Analog Devices has made the ADIS16210 MEMS iSensor digital inclinometer system available to all users.
The ADIS16210 allows the accurate calculation of roll as well as pitch angles over a complete orientation range of ±180º. The ADIS16210 combines the iMEMS multi-axis accelerometer technology from ADI with signal processing capabilities, adds addressable user registers for programming and application tuning, and is accessible over a SPI-compatible serial interface.
Irrespective of the mounted sensor’s orientation, the precision core sensors are adjusted to allow only precise roll/pitch outputs. The ADIS16210 does not require time consuming and complicated user calibration. Instead it uses unit-specific factory calibration to offer exceptional 0.1º tilt accuracy out of the box. The ADIS16210 is specifically designed for use in applications such as security and safety monitors, medical scanners that demand precise platform stabilization, and high-accuracy platform positioning/steering.
Each ADIS16210 undergoes large-scale testing and calibration to ensure a high level of alignment across all the three axes and extraordinary tilt measurement precision over the entire motion range, regardless of mounting orientation. This system also delivers temperature sensor and digital accelerometer measurements combined with configuration controls for sample rate, in-system calibration, alarms, filtering, power management and I/O configuration. The ADIS16210 comes in a 15 × 24 × 15 mm module that offers mounting tabs with an adjustable, edge-terminated connector interface and M2-sized mounting holes. The operating temperature range of ADIS16210 varies from −40 °C to +125 °C.