AB SCIEX has introduced the Eksigent ekspert nanoLC 400 system, a first-of-its-kind liquid chromatography system that provides plug-and-play interchangeability between micro LC and nano LC on the same platform.
This feature of the new Eksigent ekspert nanoLC 400 system facilitates rapid switching between high-throughput targeted peptide quantitation and high-sensitivity discovery proteomics employed in cutting-edge biological studies. The new system enhances the efficacy of the discovery proteomics workflows by delivering the superior separation quality and consistency.
The nanoLC 400 system’s innovative interchangeable LC flow modules enable researchers to rapidly shift from low flow rate nano LC to high flow micro LC by simply switching a module. This flexibility makes the system suitable for integrating targeted and non-targeted approaches, particularly when utilized with an advanced mass spectrometer such as the AB SCIEX TripleTOF5600± system. Moreover, the retention time stability provided by developments in microfluidic flow control (MFCPlus technology) is crucial for quantitative applications like SWATH Acquisition and Scheduled MRMHR Workflow.
The combination of the nanoLC 400 system and the Eksigent cHiPLC system facilitates highly reproducible proteomics throughout a variety of workflows in multi-user, multi-equipment labs. The cHiPLC system, a chip-based platform, acts as a ‘docking station’ for easy interchanging between different kinds of analyses, such as trap-loading and direct injection. The new nanoLC 400 system enables injections at a rate 5x to 10x quicker with a high-accuracy autosampler for nano LC.
According to AB SCIEX’s Product Manager for the ekspert nanoLC 400 system, Remco van Soest, the new ekspert nanoLC 400 system eliminates the necessity to have separate LC systems in laboratories for switching from discovery to validation in the field of protein biomarkers as it provides both low flow and high flow rates on the same platform. The plug-and-play interchangeability feature of the system provides new opportunities for proteomics and biomedical researchers.