Nov 14 2012
The 3rd edition of Graphene international conference will be held next spring under the umbrella of ImagineNano event in Spain between the 23rd and 26th of April 2013.
Renowned speakers on the field already confirmed their presence and the program is nearly closed.
- Dimitri Basov (University of California, USA)
- Hongjie Dai (Stanford University, USA)
- Andrea Ferrari (University of Cambridge, UK)
- Rod Ruoff (The Univ. of Texas at Austin, USA)
- Bart Van Wees (Univ. of Groningen, Netherlands)
- Invited
- Helene Bouchiat (Univ. Paris-Sud 11, France)
- Hui-Ming Cheng (Inst. of Metal Research, China)
- Byung Jin Cho (KAIST, Korea)
- Goki Eda (National Univ. of Singapore, Singapore)
- Xinliang Feng (Max Planck Inst. for Polymer Research, Germany)
- Slaven Garaj (Harvard Univ., USA)
- Irina Grigorieva (Univ. of Manchester, UK)
- Mark Hersam (Northwestern University, USA)
- Tae-Woo Lee (Pohang Univ. of Science and Tech., Postech-Korea)
- João Lopes dos Santos (University of Porto, Portugal)
- Jannik C. Meyer (University of Vienna, Austria)
- Barbaros Ozyilmaz (National Univ. of Singapore, Singapore)
- Tomas Palacios (MIT, USA)
- Jiwoong Park (Cornell University, USA)
- Peter Sutter (Brookhaven National Lab., USA)
In parallel, three workshops will be organized:
- Theory & Simulation
- Materials & Devices Characterization
- Applications of Graphene-based Materials
In the upcoming weeks the workshops speakers full list and the companies/institutions involved will also be known - more info available at
The last edition of Graphene international conference gathered more than 600 participants and 37 well known speakers.
Graphene2013 will be organized during ImagineNano event along with 5 other conferences (NanoSpain, NanoBio&Med, Energy, Optics/Photonics and Security&Defense).
ImagineNano is now an established event and is considered the largest European in the field. The event is an excellent platform for communication between science and business, bringing together nanoscience and nanotechnology in the same place. Further news will be updated regularly on the event website at