Aug 18 2015
Alexium International Group Limited (Alexium) is pleased to announce two additional purchase orders from its major bedding customer of Alexium FR finish after successful full-scale production runs.
This is a continuation on the progress detailed in the press release from June 16, 2015, and is in preparation for expected imminent full commercial ramp-up. Click to View Press Release.
It is important to note that when this customer originally ordered Alexiflam, their scope was to use Alexiflam for a single product that they had in mind, with projected revenues of US $200,000 - $300,000 per month. As the product testing progressed, they determined there were many other opportunities to use Alexiflam on other fabrics. This has resulted in multiple production runs and an increase in purchase orders preparing for an even more promising full commercial ramp-up.
This initial product roll-out remains on target for 3rd and 4th quarter revenues and has been increased by the customer following outstanding product feedback during a recent home furnishings trade show in Las Vegas, NV, August 2nd - 6th.
Steve Gravlee, VP of Sales, stated, "We are excited to report that with each trial, this home furnishings customer sees the value proposition that Alexiflam FR brings to their business as their original scope continues to expand."