Pharmaceutical researchers have achieved only 5% success in the clinical trials for anti-cancer drugs. In order to increase this success percentage, Japanese research team, headed by Dr. Tetsuya Terasaki has identified a new method to overcome the complications of producing effective drugs against diseases such as cancer.
This new method is based on improvements in protein quantification and identification. For this, the researchers made use of advanced Eksigent chip-based nanoLC technology and AB SCIEX mass spectrometry technology. By identifying the type and correct quantity of protein present in a patient’s body, scientists can introduce new treatments and diagnostics that help in determining the effectiveness of different types of drugs in different patients, thus enhancing healthcare.
Dr. Terasaki with his research team at Tohoku University, Japan, have identified and quantified several ranges of key functional proteins that act as drug transporters such as UGT proteins and cytochrome P450 using complicated matrices along with enzymes that either deactivate or activate drugs induced into the body. The researchers believe that the quicker they find this important information regarding drug transporters, the process of enhancing protein biomarkers utilized in diagnostics, in the future will be more rapid. To progress their work further, these scientists selected the Eksigent cHiPLC-nanoflex system and the AB SCIEX TripleTOF5600 system which enable to solve the limitations that which existed previously.
Dr. Terasaki’s research on the blood-brain obstacle, a key biological junction that limits the entry of dreadful microscopic organisms like bacteria into the brain, has enabled researchers to replace standard molecular methods with advanced mass spectrometry in order to analyze the protein transporter and resolve problems resulting in better disease therapy.